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Update of the Official Website of Simcord Company

Update of the Official Website of Simcord Company

Simcord focuses its activity on the development of optimal conditions for introducing high-tech business solutions. We strive for the integration of Blockchain technologies into modern society, which will allow creating progressive forms of socioeconomic relations between businesses and the state. This necessitates the systematic updates of the official information resources of the Company to add the relevant information.

We have optimized the structure of the official Simcord website, implemented a fundamentally new and user-friendly interface and added sections that contain the most complete information on the results and areas of activity, prospects of cooperation with the Company as well as the main plans for the future.

New Sections of Simcord Website

  • The Company’s research activity in the area of developing new models of economic and legal relations resulted in the work on a number of documents and scientific papers, which will be presented in the “Scientific and Legal Opinions” section:
    • Legal Nature of the Bitbon System’s Functioning.
    • Digital Assets as an Object of Legal Regulation.
    • Substantiation of the Term “Digital Asset”: Economic and Legal Aspects.

These documents are the foundation not only for the further development of the Bitbon System, but also for the formation of the scientific and legal framework of a new information economy.

  • The “Bitbon System” page describes in detail the basic principles of functioning and application area of the Bitbon System, as well as reveals its unique legal nature.
  • The “Blockchain Technologies” page provides information on prospects for the implementation of the distributed ledger technology (Blockchain) in building new socioeconomic relations in the international legal field.
  • The “Cooperation” section has been added, which reveals the potential opportunities for development of a new information economy and business environment. Simcord offers experts of various fields (economics, finance, law) a progressive model of cooperation, which is aimed at creating the conditions for the most efficient operation of the informational Bitbon System, its promotion and integration with the real sector of economy.
  • The “Products and Services” section provides you with detailed information on software solutions and products for managing high-tech businesses as well as on the development of innovative tools for the efficient use in modern business strategies.

Update of the Existing Sections of the Website

  • In order to improve the efficiency of its activity, Simcord has chosen the most progressive management model based on the principles of openness and transparency in decision-making — a matrix management structure.

The main objectives of the implementation of the matrix approach to the management of Simcord Company are:

1) to ensure effective interaction of employees of different areas of activity within a specific project or service in order to achieve goals with a high level of quality and in a timely manner;
2) to ensure complex work coordination, rapid response to external changes, flexible and effective use of special knowledge and skills of employees;
3) to ensure a high-quality level of products and services provided within the services of Simcord Company.

The fundamental document “Regulations on Matrix Management Structure of Simcord Company” is available in the “Structure of Simcord Company” section.

  • The emergence of new areas of the Company’s activities as well as related programs and projects has led to the update of the information in the “Activities” section. The information on the peculiarities of the Company’s activities in the development of business relations in various areas has been added to the section.
  • In the updated “Life” section, you can see the level that has been set for working with the Company’s staff, what opportunities and prospects for professional growth Simcord opens up for its employees. Motivation programs, thematic meetings and corporate events are an integral part of the life of Simcord’s employees.

Simcord strives to achieve all the goals creating new digital technologies based on the distributed ledger technology (Blockchain). We are approaching the establishment of effective economic and legal relations and the formation of a new information economy on their basis. This will allow us to realize the main mission of the Company — to create and transfer a unique tool to the humankind that will entirely change the vector of its development, providing everyone with an opportunity to realize their full potential.