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Bitbon System Real Prospects as Part of the World Financial System Development

Bitbon System Real Prospects as Part of the World Financial System Development

We are approaching the 9th anniversary of the Simcord commercial launch. This year, our main Event, which is traditionally arranged on this important date, will be held for representatives of the scientific and intellectual elite in the city centre of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. We are happy to invite all of you to Simcord Innovation Technologies 2019.

It is no coincidence that, out of many cities whose representatives offered us their business centers to hold our Event, we chose Kyiv — the city with chestnut alleys and parks right in the heart of Ukraine. At the same time, the Ukrainian capital is famous not only for the beauty of its streets and picturesque banks of the Dnieper, but also for its special attitude to innovative solutions in the field of scientific research and to making progressive innovative ideas the reality.

We would like to inform you that the first part of the event will be dedicated to an analytical review of the events in the crypto field, which we consider to be the most important, and to the substantiation of their impact on the development of the entire global financial system. Alexander Kud, Simcord CEO, will provide you with the most valuable information about the Bitbon System and the mechanism of interaction between its Participants, which is connected to the real sector of economy. At the second part of the event (briefing with Alexander Kud) you will have an opportunity to ask questions about the Bitbon System and get detailed answers to them.

Each participant of Simcord Innovation Technologies 2019 will find out in which direction Simcord is developing most intensively at the moment, what changes are currently taking place, and which will take place in its infrastructure in future to promote unique products and services at the international level.

You can find detailed information on the participation in the Event and on the Event itself following this link www.sit2019.com

We are awaiting you at Simcord Innovation Technologies 2019!