Today, the Simcord team published its annual report to the Community on the work done to implement the Bitbon System start-up for 2024 and plans for 2025. During 2024, our specialists completed almost all planned key tasks, which allows determining the start-up’s readiness for full commercial implementation with an overall progress rate of 85%.
The report was updated taking into account a new approach to the document structure, expanded and enhanced information section, minor adjustments to the periods of the start-up’s expansion and exit stages, as well as current trends in the socioeconomic field in general.
The main part of the report contains a brief description as well as information on the degree of readiness of the development of key components and groups of services, the implementation of which is planned for the current 4th stage of the start-up development — the expansion stage:
1. Metaresources of the Meta Studio DE service package and the main metaresources of the socially oriented group of services available in the One Space app:
- Metafiles
- Metadocuments
- Metaresource Constructor
- Contacts
- Log.
2. Key services for organizing corporate activities and carrying out socioeconomic relations by Bitbon System Users through the One Space app:
- Operator
- Contributing
- Academy of Platform-Based Economy
- Escrow Marketplace
- ERBB (Exchange Request for Bitbon)
- Advertisement Service.
3. Key services that ensure the creation and scaling of local business communities and deeper integration of the Bitbon System with the economic infrastructure of various regions worldwide:
- Network Segment
- Providing
- Certificates
- Ping
- Synergy
- Service Search.
4. Services ensuring a new level of efficiency in building and developing socioeconomic relations based on the Bitbon System infrastructure:
- Registries and Funds
- Voting and Polls
- Cryptobox
- Bonnie
- Secret Arbitrator
- Megamall.
5. Key components that ensure the operation of services in the Bitbon System, their interaction with other services and Users:
- Account Management System
- Bitbon System Node
- Decentralized Storage
- Account Container
- E-commerce Deal Accounting Complex
- Authorization Channel
- Metaresource Funds
- Corporate Account
- Bitbon System Registry.
Please note that when preparing this report and planning the future work, we had to take into account not only the change in the scale of the project and the involvement of our own resources, but also the impact of current realities on the timelines of planned tasks and start-up periods in order to slightly adjust them.
You can view the full version of the report, which aggregates information on the Bitbon System as a start-up, by following the link: